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Jantje_Smit » 39 minutes ago » wrote: oh, I see I typed longitude again, my mistake, I meant the latitude, that's the one I don't get, it's 4 days a year but where do the 15 degrees come from?

What are latitudes? Horizontal lines on a replica of earth's surface which are temperate zones daily. Equator is same thing as international dateline on the effects of climate change 24/7.

The equator is 0 degrees north or south. each polar axis point if an ice cap compared to the tropics staying the equal distance the surface of the planet moves rotating between event horizons of dawn, noon, dusk, midnight. Polar ice caps have around 28 days of midnight sun or no sun at all each winter solstice twice a year. 12/21 and 06/21 and equinoxes occur 3/21 and 9/21. The 4 days a year same rotation north pole and south pole are opposing seasons same rotation.

Let you and I add lunar phases reflecting sunlight or Earth is on the dark side of the moon vs moon is on the dark side of earth.
moon orbits the earth slower than the earth rotates.

The Moon orbits Earth in the prograde direction and completes one revolution relative to the Vernal Equinox and the fixed stars in about 27.3 days (a tropical month and sidereal month), and one revolution relative to the Sun in about 29.5 days (a synodic month).

Now 52 weeks a year regardless the year has 365 or 366 rotations. Relative time semantics to actual time adapting as genetically alive daily here ancestries are actually eternally separated in plain sight and every human chooses to believe now isn't eternity, Why?.. How eternity works is working in plain sight s[pacing each ancestor apart inception to extinction of the 5 basic ancestral lineages of 5 generation gaps homo sapiens occupying time daily here.

Rule of law as a New World Order defends power of suggesting now isn't eternity as life in the natural order of the world is never duplicating details twice 24/7. Original sin is orchestrated self deception by "We the people believe life can be more than the weight of inhabiting space one at a time now cradle to grave regardless race, creed color, national origin, gender displaced, ancestral lineage added from, ancestor alive inhabiting space so far.

Be careful what you wish for, the reality created will never allow anyone to be honest about time left adapting here specifically alive in a perpetual balancing outcome until extinction of 5 ancestral lineages living 5 generation gaps deep tomorrow midnight to noon only dawn to dusk governs two days on a calendar 24/7 with 3 minutes and 56 seconds more time than the planet rotate daily That missing link in space time narratives now isn't eternity in every alternate reality of societal evolution humans corrupt each other every generation forward 52 weeks a year in the house of cards stacking the deck against each ancestor alive now.

See I covered every nuance practiced within each ancestral lineage lived same time my ancestry was alive in series parallel space.

Self evident truth instinctive brain navigates one at a time governed by "We the people never accept now is eternity daily.". Absolute power of suggesting now isn't eternity corrupted everyone living genetically here so far.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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